Embodiment & Asana

Yoga postures and somatics are a means to move stagnant energy, infuse every cell with awareness and process, release and integrate our mental, emotional and spiritual experiences through our bodies.



These retreats will allow you to deepen into your own spiritual practice and rejuvenate it with inspiration and guidance.


Yoga Immersion Courses

Embodied spiritual practice and transformation are the core of what I teach.  More details here: The Yoga of Embodied Insight.


Awakening happens in the body, as the body, through the body.

Study with me focuses on the teachings of awakening and liberation as passed down through the tradition of non-dual tantrik shaivism. The body plays a central role in this, though not to the exclusion of the mind, or heart. You could also says “awakening happens in the mind, as the mind, through the mind,” or “Awakening happens in the heart….etc” insofar as the mind and body and heart are actually one thing – hence the term “non-dual.”

About Me


I have been teaching yoga since 2001 and teaching massage therapy since 2006. Though I didn’t realize it at the time, my first massage teacher, Lee Joseph was a student of Papaji and was teaching nondual realization throughout my entire massage education. In 2014 I found Hareesh Wallis and from then on was a student of nondual Shakta-shaiva tantra and a devotee of the goddess. I am a practitioner and teacher of nondual based, somatic embodiment practices and am currently studying at Naropa University in search of a graduate degree in Yoga and Somatic Psychology. I live in Boulder, Colorado with my husband, Jīvan, and two cats.


Asana as embodiment.

“Let the beauty you love be what you do.” -Rumi

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