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Class Library

Authentic Flow – The Joy of Strength

Use short repetitive sequences as inspiration to challenge yourself and invite asana mudras into your body, identifying any competitive or image-creating thoughts along the way.

Recovery & Release – Shoulders

Use this session when you are recovering from physical activity, or mental and emotional stress. Release and relax the shoulders and all the joints of the body, going deep into silence and stillness, interspersed with gentle movement.

Consecrating The Body

A 75 minute gentle, meditative yoga embodiment practice focused on feeding the goddesses of the senses (primarily touch and body sensing) and acknowledging the sacredness of the pilgrimage site of the body.

Ritual Moon Practice – Chandra Namaskar – Soma Lunar Flow

-Om Somaye Namaha
-Om Shram Shreem Shraum, Sah Chandraye Namaha

In this 90 minute moderately challenging, slow paced asana class you will practice 2 different variations of Chandra Namaskar (moon salutations), as well as guided meditation, visualization, japa mantra (chanting), and silent meditation. Use this class during any time of the month to synchronize your sadhana with the cycles of the moon.

Authentic Flow – From Doing to Being

This movement practice brings the intention to let go of the doer and to embrace being, flowing, and arising energy without needing to direct any energy or intention with the mind. Basic sun salutations and vinyasa flow physical postures are practiced along with non-structured movement.

Sacred Stillness

Gentle Embodiment Sadhana: Practice a few gentle stretches, Samavritti pranayama, and a body scan which includes the 3 bindus.

Psychedelics and Awakening Part 2

Psychedelics and Awakening Part 2

So how do we use psychedelics in a way that is not detrimental to the awakening process, and might even be indirectly beneficial? [I phrase it in this perhaps clunky way because the awakening process is something that is just happening and that cannot be orchestrated...

Authentic Flow – Spanda / Vibration

Motionless Movement – Using a moderate sequence of poses, and unstructured movement, focus on relaxed open awareness to perceive the vibrationless-vibration that is essential to Trika Shaivism.

Psychedelics and Awakening Part 1

Psychedelics and Awakening Part 1

We could say that psychedelics are all the rage right now, but the truth is it’s beyond that. They’re mainstream. It’s not a big deal to talk about psychedelics. There is scientific proof that they are good for your health, your mental health, and can help with PTSD,...

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