Class Library
Gentle Flow – Root Down
We practice Earth Salutations and focus on the base of the torso, the root chakra, the pelvic floor, going very slowly with lots of silence. Restorative pose and meditation complete our practice.
Sahaja Vinyasa – Spontaneous Flow
Beginning with basic sun salutations, we’ll start with structured vinyasa practice and slowly progress to more and more freedom and spontaneity, with music and mantra.
Gaṇapati Embodiment Sadhana
5-30 minutes of gentle āsana, followed by praṇayāma, mantra (Oṃ Gaṃ Gaṇapataye Namaḥ), then silent meditation for a full 60 minute practice.
Shake The Dust – What Is Freedom?
Meditate in stillness and movement, MOVE stagnant energy, and use vigorous perpetual intensification to feel what is arising in this moment and move through stuck habitual patterns.
Sādhanā: Vārārī, Meditation, Mantras
Goddess of Discernment. In this session we spend 30 minutes on gentle stretches, then kapālabhāti and Nādī Shodhana prāṇāyāmas, mantra meditation on Vārāhī’s bījā mantra Aiṃ Glauṃ Aiṃ, then silent meditation
Authentic Flow – The Neck & Vishuddha Chakra
Using this portal of the neck, the throat chakra, the junction between the head and the rest of the body, we will enter into the space of direct experience, intimacy with ourselves and this very potent part of the body. We’ll chant the bija mantras on the petals of the throat chakra, the vowels of the sanskrit alphabet: aṃ, āṃ, iṃ, īṃ, uṃ, ūṃ, ṛṃ, ṝṃ, ḷṃ, ḹṃ, eṃ, aiṃ, oṃ, auṃ, aṃ, aha
Authentic Flow: Blood
Blood – the water of life that flows through each of us. The fluid that nourishes all of our cell tissues. The rhythm of life that pumps in our chest. I invite you to open a dialogue with your own blood and let it speak to you through your body. Who knows what it might say!
Shake The Dust: You Appear
Using repetitive and vigorous movement we’ll bring up what is ready to move and LET IT MOVE! Plenty of support, free space, and also lots of cheerleading from this end of things. Once we shake things up, move things around, and go into what is arising, then what is ready to leave can leave and YOU APPEAR.
Somatic Asana: Great Basic Practice
Move the spine in all directions, proceed through basic vinyasa patterns, and into slow and deep stretches, with exploration and using something other than thought to motivate movement.