This gentle four day practice set was originally part of a tantric retreat. Enjoy these classes now for your own retreat or home sadhana. They are slow, mindful, hatha and vinyasa based classes, without music and with little chatter. The cost is $35 for lifetime access to the 4 hours of practice.
These 5 practices with over 4 hours of content will help introduce you to an āsana practice that is based on somatics and sensation and energy, rather than alignment or a linear form of practice. Use these sessions to explore “natural alignment” where you use your own intuition and connection to spirit to guide your movements and poses, still within the container of traditional yoga āsanas.
Begin your journey into the exploration of somatics, free movement, asana as mudra or energetic posture, and alignment as a means to awareness, rather than a dogmatic system of right and wrong. Over 8 hours of practice sessions will give you plenty of material to work with.
This class bundle includes 2 Shake The Dust and 2 Authentic Flow practices. All are somatic explorations of 4 of the 5 acts of shiva, as presented in The View of Nondual Shaiva Tantra. Missing is the 5th act, Revelation. I have not recorded this class yet, but when and if I do it will be included here. You will need a paid spotify account to use the playlists that go with these practices.